
Climacograptus pauperatus Bulman, 1953

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Proclimacograptus angustatus

Taxon ID: 10013
Fossil group: Graptolithina
Belongs to: Climacograptus
Other version of taxon: Proclimacograptus angustatus
Stratigraphic range: Middle Ordovician (within ca. 470.0 – 458.4 million years)
Synonymy list
1953     Climacograptus pauperatus sp. nov. — Bulman , pp. 512-514, fig. 1:10-12; 2:13-16
1960     Climacograptus pauperatus Bulman — Jaanusson , pp. 332, fig. 3:12-13
1964     Climacograptus pauperatus Bulman — Berry , pp. 134-135, fig. 13:7,11
1997     Proclimacograptus angustatus (Ekström, 1937) — Maletz , pp. 69
Selection of related publications
Jaanusson, V. 1960. Graptoloids from the Ontikan and Viruan (Ordov.) limestones of Estonia and Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala 38, 289-366.
References based on distribution