
Dicellograptus morrisii Hopkinson, 1871

Synonymy list
1871     Dicellograpsus morrisii — Hopkinson , pp. 24, fig. 1:2a-h
1876     Dicellograptus Morrisi Hopkinson — Lapworth , fig. 4:85
1904     Dicellograptus Morrisi Hopkinson — Elles et Wood , pp. 155-157, fig. 21:6a-d
1963     Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson — Skoglund , pp. 31-32, fig. 1:1-2
1970     Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson — Toghill , pp. 17-18, fig. 7:1-4
1983     Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson, 1871 — Williams , pp. 169-170, fig. 10D; 14A-E
1983     Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson, 1871 — Williams & Bruton , pp. 169
2002     Dicellograptus morrisi Hopkinson, 1871 — Palsson , pp. 17, fig. 4L; 5B-C
Selection of related publications
Pålsson, C. 2002. Upper Ordovician graptolites and biostratigraphy of the Röstånga 1 core, Scania, S. Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 49, 1, 9-23. DOI:10.37570/bgsd-2003-49-02
Williams, S. H., Bruton, D. L. 1984. The Caradoc- Ashgill boundary in the central Oslo region and associated graptolite faunas ( Norway). Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 63, 2, 147-191.
References based on distribution