
Lobograptus scanicus (Tullberg, 1883)

Synonymy list
1883     Monograptus scanicus — Tullberg , pp. 26, fig. 2:38
1900     Monograptus scanicus — Wood , pp. 479, fig. 25:25a-b
1913     Monograptus scanicus — Elles et Wood , pp. 433-434, fig. 44:2a-d
1936     Monograptus scanicus — Bouček , pp. 21-22, fig. 2:9
1942     Monograptus scanicus — Münch , pp. 258-259, fig. 6:5-7
1947     Monograptus scanicus — Ruedemann , pp. 487, fig. 86:22-24
1954     Monograptus scanicus — Urbanek , pp. 84-85, fig. 18-20
1956     Monograptus scanicus — Tomczyk , pp. 46, 86, 112, fig. 2:1a-d; 3:1
1956     Lobograptus scanicus — Tröger , pp. 62, fig. 15
1958     Monograptus scanicus — Hong , pp. 98, 114, fig. 3:1a-b
Selection of related publications
Paškevičius, J., Klimantavičius, V., Radzevičius, S. 2012. Lithostratigraphy, graptolites and brachiopods communities of the Ludlow (Silurian) of the Eastern slope of the Baltic Syneclise. Geologija 54, 3, 75-88. DOI:10.6001/geologija.v54i3.2515
Krandijevsky, V. S. 1968. Граптолиты силура Волыно-Подолии. Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Lower Paleozoic of Volyn-Podola, pp. 26-62. Naukova Dumka.
Gailite, L. K., Rybnikova, M. V., Ulst, R. Ž. 1967. Stratigrafiâ, fauna i usloviâ obrazovaniâ silurijskih porod Srednej Pribaltiki. pp. 1-304. Zinatne.
References based on distribution