
Diplacanthus crassisimus Duff, 1842

Synonymy list
1842     Diplacanthus crassisimus — Duff , pp. 71, fig. 10:2; 11:3
1844     Hybodus gracilis — Eichwald , pp. 827
1845     Homacanthus gracilis (Eichwald); — Agassiz , pp. 153
1846     Hybodus gracilis — Eichwald , pp. 279, fig. 1:12,13
1940     Homacanthus gracilis (EICHWALD) — Gross , pp. 21-23, fig. 1B,2F.; pl1.3;1.4
1940     Diplacanthus striatus — Gross , pp. 23
1942     Homacanthus gracilis (Eichw.) — Gross , pp. 377,379,381, fig. table 1
1947     Diplacanthus striatus — Gross , pp. 126,127, fig. 6.3
1973     Diplacanthus? carinatus Gross — Gross , pp. 72,73, fig. 36:9;36:10
2016     Diplacanthus crassisimus (Duff, 1842) — Burrow et al. , pp. 6, fig. 1.1;3-12;
Selection of related publications
Pinakhina, D. V., Märss, T. 2018. The Middle Devonian acanthodian assemblage of the Karksi outcrop in Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 67, 1, 96-111. DOI:10.3176/earth.2018.07
Burrow, C., den Blaauwen, J., Newman, M., Davidson, R. 2016. The diplacanthid fishes (Acanthodii, Diplacanthiformes, Diplacanthidae) from the Middle Devonian of Scotland. Palaeontologia Electronica 19, 1, 1-83. DOI:Devononchus concinnus