
Monomorphichnus pectenensis Legg, 1985

Taxon description

Legg, 1985

Diagnosis. A set of paired straight ridges with intervening fine comb-like striations.

Description. The holotype consists of a single setof three paired ridges up to 4 3 cm long preserved on the sole of a sandstone bed each set ofridges is 0 3 cm wide and separated by 0 9 to 1 1 cm The ridges occur as couplets with one ridge much larger than the other Between the ridges are sets of fine parallel striations up to five in number less than I rnrn apart which approach the main ridges at a low angle.

Synonymy list
1985     Monomorphichnus pectenensis n. ichnosp. — Legg , pp. 157, fig. 2C