
Turinia Traquair, 1896

Selection of related publications
Märss, T., Afanassieva, O., Blom, H. 2014. Biodiversity of the Silurian osteostracans of the East Baltic. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 105, 2, 73-148. DOI:10.1017/S1755691014000218
Mark-Kurik, E., Blieck, A., Burrow, C. J., Turner, S. 2013. Early Devonian fishes from coastal De Long Strait, central Chukotka, Arctic Russia. Geodiversitas 35, 3, 545-578. DOI:10.5252/g2013n3a3
Märss, T. 1997. Vertebrates of the Pridoli and Silurian-Devonian boundary beds in Europe. Modern Geology 21, 1, 17-41.
List of species
1. Turinia pagei (Powrie, 1870) | LochkovianPragian