
Rusophycus carbonarius (Dawson, 1864)

Taxon description

Stachacz, 2012a

Diagnosis. – Small, coffee-bean-shaped form with transverse to oblique, generally fine striations. Lobes are parallel or slightly divergent (after Schlirf and Uchman in: Schlirf et al., 2001). Description. – Convex, coffee-bean-shaped hypichnia, 4–6 mm long, 3–5 mm wide, which consist of two symmetrical lobes separated by a distinct furrow. The lobes are parallel or divergent. The surface of the lobes is smooth. In some specimens, the median furrow does not run for the full length of the hypichnion resulting in a horse shoe-like shape.

Mángano et al., 2005b

Description. Small, relatively shallow, bilobate structures; the lobes are commonly parallel and juxtaposed to resemble a coffee bean or slightly oblique to gape at the anterior end, leaving a triangular central zone. Central furrow is typically well defined. Some lobes are smooth while others are covered by very fine scratch marks. Scratch marks are perpendicular to slightly retroverse towards the posterior zone. No marginal marks or impressions in the axial region are present. Trace width is 2.2-6.6 mm and length is 3.2-7.4 mm. Preserved as positive hyporeliefs in fine- to very fine-grained sandstone

Synonymy list
1864     Rusichnites carbonarius — Dawson , pp. 364, fig. 3
1992     Rusophycus carbonarius Dawson, 1864 — Pickerill , pp. 27, fig. 2A,C
1996     Rusophycus carbonarius (Dawson, 1864) — Keighley & Pickerill , pp. 278, fig. 1A
2001     Rusophycus carbonarius Dawson, 1864 — Schlirf et al. , pp. 78, fig. 7A-E
2002     Rusophycus carbonarius (Dawson, 1864) — Orłowski & Żylińska , pp. 144, fig. fig.6a
2005     Rusophycus carbonarius (Dawson, 1864) — Mangano et al. , pp. 653
2006     Rusophycus carbonarius (Dawson, 1864) — Melchor et al. , pp. 264, fig. 6I
2011     Rusophycus carbonarius Dawson, 1864 — Schatz et al. , pp. 512, fig. Figs. 9.2-9.4
2012     Rusophycus carbonarius (Dawson, 1864) — Hofmann et al. , pp. 944, fig. 11.1; 11.2; 11.4
2018     Rusophycus carbonarius (Dawson, 1864) Emended by Keighley & Pickerill, 1996 — Hammersburg et al. , fig. Fig. 18.1–18.3, 18.5