
Cruziana polonica (Orłowski, Radwanski et Roniewicz, 1970)

Synonymy list
1970     Rusophycus polonicus ichnosp. nov — Orłowski et al. , fig. 3b,c,e
1992     Rusophycus polonicus Orlowski, Radwahski and Roniewicz, 1970 — Orłowski , pp. 28, fig. 10:1,2; 13:1
1998     Rusophycus polonicus Orlowski, Radwahski and Roniewicz, 1970 — Stanley & Pickerill , pp. 26, fig. 11:3
2015     Cruziana polonica — Aceñolaza, Heredia & Carlorosi
Selection of related publications
Orłowski, S. 1992. Trilobite trace fossils and their stratigraphical significance in the Cambrian sequence of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Geological Journal 27, 1, 15-34. DOI:10.1002/gj.3350270104