
Rusophycus crebrus Orłowski, 1992

Taxon description

Stachacz, 2012a

Emended diagnosis. – Hypichnial convex symmetrical, coffee-bean-shaped semirelief, which consists of two lobes separated by a shallow furrow. The lobes are covered by longitudinal, delicate sets of ridges. Two series of paired, rectserved close to the median furrow. The margin of the hypichnion can be serrated.

Orłowski, 1992a

Diugnosis: Resting trace, regular, completely covered by delicate, longitudinal scratches, produced by exopodites.

Synonymy list
1992     Rusophycus crebus ichnosp. nov. — Orłowski , pp. 28, fig. 11; 12:6
2008     Rusophycus crebrus Orłowski — Pacześna & Żylińska , pp. 13, fig. fig. 17
2012     Rusophycus crebrus (Orłowski, 1992) nomen correctum — Stachacz , pp. 241, fig. 3A,B