
Gyrolithes polonicus Fedonkin, 1981

Taxon description

Crimes & Anderson, 1985

Description. --Positive relief traces, sand infilled on sandstone sole consisting of a bur- row forming an almost complete circle. In one example burrow diameter about 20 mm and diameter of complete trace 8 cm (Figure 6.7) while in collected specimen burrow 4 mm and complete trace 2.2 cm in diameter (Figure 6.8). Both affected by current scour.

Synonymy list
1869     Arenieolites spiralis Torell — Linnarsson , pp. 8
1870     Arenieolites spiralis Torell — Linnarsson , pp. 10
1881     Spiroseolex spiralis Torell — Nathorst , pp. 28
1981     Gyrolithes polonicus isp. nov. — Fedonkin , pp. 80, fig. pl. 22. 1–5, 8
1983     Gyrolithes polonicus Fedonkin, 1981 — Fedonkin , pp. 134
1985     Gyrolithes polonicus Fedonkin, 1981 — Crimes & Anderson , pp. 32, fig. fig. 6.7–8
1986     Gyrolithes polonicus Fedonkin, 1981 — Paczesna , pp. 33, fig. 3:2,3
1996     Gyrolithes polonicus Fedonkin, 1981 — Paczesna , pp. 59, fig. Plate XI:4, 5; Plate XII:1-5
1997     Gyrolithes polonicus Fedonkin, 1981 — Jensen , pp. 51, fig. 30, 34, 35, 36C–D, 64A–B
2006     Gyrolithes polonicus Fedonkin, 1981 — Systra & Jensen , pp. 316, fig. Fig. 3C, D
Selection of related publications
Systra, Y., Jensen, S. 2006. Trace fossils from the Dividalen Group of northern Finland with remarks on early Cambrian trace fossil provincialism. GFF 128, 4, 321-325. Informa UK Limited. DOI:10.1080/11035890601284321
References based on distribution