
Pinaceocladichnus onubensis Mayoral, 1988

Taxon description

Mayoral, 1988

Diagnosis. Pinaceocladichnus nov. ichnogen. con sistemas de bifurcacion myu regulares. Presentan aberturas subovaladas a fusiformes situadas muy cerca de los tuneles correspondientes que conectan con camaras alargadas, cilindricas o en forma de saco. Se disponen paralelas a los tunels anteriores.[Pinaceocladichnus nov. ichnogen. with very regular branching systems. They present subovate to fusiform openings located very close to the corresponding tunnels that connect with elongated, cylindrical or sac-shaped chambers. They are arranged parallel to the previous tunnels.]

Synonymy list
1988     Pinaceocladichnus onubensis nov. ichnoesp. — Mayoral , pp. 18, fig. 6-9
Selection of related publications
Toom, U., Vinn, O., Hints, O. 2019. Ordovician and Silurian ichnofossils from carbonate facies in Estonia: A collection-based review. Palaeoworld 28, 1-2, 123-144. DOI:10.1016/j.palwor.2018.07.001