Pennatichnus Mayoral, 1988
Mayoral, 1988
Diagnosis. Conjunto de tuneles y alargados a cuyos lados se disponen de forma alternante una serie de aberturas primarias redondeadas o en forma de gosta, que se unen a los primeros mediante conductos subordinados de primeros mediante conductos subordinados de primer orden, cortos, bien visibles y ligeramente incurvados. El sistema completo de perforacion adquiere asi un aspecto de pluma muy carecteristico, del cual toma el nombre. [Set of elongated tunnels on whose sides a series of rounded or gosta-shaped primary openings are arranged alternately, which are joined to the first by means of subordinate conduits of first order, short, clearly visible and slightly curved. The complete drilling system thus acquires a very characteristic feather-like appearance, from which it takes its name.]
Wisshak et al., 2019a
Microboring; substrate calcareous; tracemaker invertebrate
Buatois et al., 2017
Category of architectural design: 2.70. Camerate network borings.
Knaust, 2012a
Branched, network.
Charó et al., 2017
Diagnosis:- It is a system of long and thin tunnels wich may have small axial apertures. Primary appertures are circular or drop-shaped, joined to the first ordrer subordinate tunnels and a thin pedicle toward the main tunnel. The whole system of borings is fether like. It may also form a complex tunnel system with sharper angles of bifurcation (Pereira et al., 2009)