
Dictyodora tenuis (McCoy, 1851)

Taxon description

Pazos et al., 2015a

Description: Epichnial forms of Dictyodora recorded in silty beds with an incompletely developed second-order meander (Fig. 3g). The total length of the structure is 46 mm in one case (Fig. 3g) and 120 mm in the other (Fig. 3h). Two clear orders of sinuosity were observed in one specimen (Fig. 3h), while in the other specimen, the first order sinuosity is not clear and the assignment to this ichnospecies is tentative. The wall is approximately 2 mm wide and meanders are irregular but with quite rounded turns, and they exhibit divergent rather than subparallel limbs.

Synonymy list
1982     Dictyodora tenuis (McCoy, 1851) — Benton , pp. 71, fig. 2e
2005     Dictyodora cf. tenuis (McCoy, 1851) — Uchman et al. , pp. 115, fig. fig. 13: 16A
2015     Dictyodora tenuis (McCoy, 1851) — Pazos et al. , pp. 32, fig. Fig. 3 g,h
Selection of related publications
Uchman, A., Hanken, N.-M., Binns, R. 2005. Ordovician Bathyal Trace Fossils From Metasiliciclastics in Central Norway and Their Sedimentological and Paleogeographical Implications. Ichnos 12, 2, 105-133. DOI:10.1080/10420940590914534
References based on distribution