
Scotolithus mirabilis Linnarsson, 1871

Taxon description

Jensen, 1997

Diagnosis. - Curved burrows running down from a vertical shaft, at the base of bed, typically turning horizontal. Arranged in a radial or fan-shaped form. Number of burrows low, not densely covering the sediment surface, and due to burrow curvature resulting in an untouched area immediately below the vertical shaft. (Partly based on Linnarsson 1871).

Synonymy list
1871     Scotolith us mirabilis Linnarsson 1871 — Jensen , pp. 18-19, fig. only fig. 21
1997     Scotolithus mirabilis n.g. et sp. — Linnarsson , pp. 87, fig. 36A-B, 58D, 59
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioturbation trace fossils