
Dactyloidites ottoi (Geinitz, 1849)

Taxon description

Pickerill et al., 1993a

Diagnosis.—Dactyloidites having branched radial to subradial protrusive spreiten (Fürsich and Bromley, 1985).

Description.—Specimens comprise gregarious, partially or completely preserved, stellate- or rosette-shaped burrow sys­tems, naturally preserved rarely in partial full relief, more typ­ically in positive epirelief.

Synonymy list
1849     Spongia ottoi — Geinitz , pp. 264, fig. 12:6-7
1964     Hätzezschelinia ottoi (Geinitz) — Vialov , pp. 336
1964     Hätzezschelinia kolymensis — Vialov , pp. 113, fig. 2
1964     Hätzezschelinia pygmaea — Vialov , pp. 115, fig. 3
1965     Hätzezschelinia shikokuensis (Katto) — Keu , fig. 28:2,3
1968     Hätzezschelinia saltata — Vialov , pp. 34, fig. 1:2a,b
1975     Haetzezschelinia ottoi — Häntzschel , pp. W68, fig. 3a,b
1981     ?Haetzezschelinia sp. — Tanaka & Sumi , fig. 4:1
1985     Dactyloidites ottoi — Fürsich & Bromley , fig. 1-10
1986     ?Haetzezschelinia sp. — Noda , pp. 69, fig. 3