
Ectopacanthus Valiukevičius, 1979

Selection of related publications
Valiukevičius, J. 1998. Acanthodians and zonal stratigraphy of Lower and Middle Devonian in East Baltic and Byelorussia. Palaeontographica A-248, 1-53.
Valiukevičius, J., Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V. 1986. Kompleks češuj akantodov iz osnovaniâ srednego devona Pribaltiki i Belorussii. Biofacies and fauna of the Silurian and Devonian basins of the Baltic, pp. 110-122. Zinatne.
Valiukevičius, J. J. 1979. Češui akantod iz Èjfel'skih otloženij Špicbergena. Paleontological Journal 4, 101-111.