Amanitichnus Chlupáč et Mikuláš, 1995
Taxon description
Chlupáč & Mikuláš, 1995
Diagnosis: Intrastratal ichnofossils consisting of one orseveral low and upward convex conical structures, com-monly recurring in different levels within the same bedeither in vertical superposition, or gently shifted laterally.The conical structures are covered with fine radial ridgesand grooves, commonly slightly curved and/or anasto-mosing, particularly close to the outer margin of the cone.The outline of individual cones is subcircular or oval, thediameter equals several centimeters. The vertical oroblique distance between recurring cones ranges from afew mm up to several cm. The conical structures areconnected by a narrow central shaft with a homogeneous fill.