Rusophycus latus Webby, 1983

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Cruziana omanica

Taxon ID: 18376
Fossil group: Ichnofossils
Belongs to: Rusophycus
Other version of taxon: Cruziana omanica
Baltoscandian species (in database):
Taxon description

Webby, 1970

Diagnosis. - Gently curved to sinuous horizontal trails, from 0.5-1.0 mm wide, with rare inclined burrows.

Description. - Simple, almost straight to sinuous horizontal trails usually 0.5-1.0 mm wide, and rare inclined to near vertical burrows of the same dimensions. Trails preserved on bedding surfaces are highly compressed and usually limonite filled. However, one sinuous trail is infilled with shale like the surrounding rock (Fig. 16D). Parts of other trails exhibit faint longitudinal ribbing (Fig. 16B).