
Striatocycloceras obliquum (Eichwald, 1857)

Taxon description

Kröger & Isakar, 2006

Diagnosis. Straight, slightly compressed Striatocycloceras with high apical angle of approximately 10°. Six, irregularly spaced smooth annulations at a distance that equates the corresponding shell diameter in adult, with three annulations in juvenile specimens, respectively. Annulations slightly oblique toward growth direction with slight lateral sinus, with approximately 10 growth lines per annulation. One suture line at every groove of the annulation, annulations slightly oblique to ward sutures.

Synonymy list
1857     Orth. obliquum — Eichwald , pp. 196
1860     Orthoceras obliquum — Eichwald , pp. 1209, fig. 49:7
1879     Orthoceras obliquum — Dewitz , pp. 34
1880     Orthoceras obliquum — Dewitz , pp. 170
1930     Orthoceras obliquum — Teichert , pp. 270, 278
2006     Striatocycloceras obliquum (Eichwald, 1860) — Kröger & Isakar , pp. 151, fig. 7K,O; 8D, 11
2013     Striatocycloceras obliquum — Kröger , pp. 25
Selection of related publications
Kröger, B., Isakar, M. 2006. Revision of annulated orthoceridan cephalopods of the Baltoscandic Ordovician. Fossil Record 9, 1, 137-163. DOI:10.1002/mmng.200600005
Eichwald, E. 1857. Beitrag zur geographischen Verbreitung der fossilen Thiere Russlands. Alte Periode. (Fortsetzung. S. Bulletin 1856. N 4. pag. 555.). Klasse der Cephalopoden. Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists. Geological series 30, I, 192-219.
References based on distribution