
Simplexodictyon podolicum (Yavorsky, 1929)

Synonymy list
1929     Clathrodictyon regulare Rosen var. n. — Yavorsky , pp. 111, fig. 6:5-6
1951     Clathrodictyon regulare (Ros.), var. Yav. — Riabinin , pp. 11, fig. 3:7-8
1955     Clathrodictyon regulare Rosen var. podolicum — Yavorsky , pp. 43, fig. 15:1-2
1965     Simplexodictyon podolica (Yavorsky) — Bogoyavlenskaya , pp. 111, fig. 13:1
1966     Diplostroma yavorskyi sp. nov. — Nestor , pp. 29, fig. 9:4; 10:4-5
1970     Diplostroma yavorskyi Nestor — Mori , pp. 101, fig. 6:3-6; 25:1
1973     Simplexodictyon podolicum (Yavorsky) — Bogoyavlenskaya , pp. 50, fig. 22:2
1973     Simplexodictyon podolicum (Yavorsky), 1929 — Bolshakova , pp. 66, fig. 4:2
1976     Simplexodictyon podolicum (Yavorsky) — Nestor , pp. 62
1981     Simplexodictyon podolicum (Yavorsky, 1929) — Nestor , pp. 103, fig. 12:1
Selection of related publications
Nestor, H. 1990. Stromatoporoids. Field Meeting Estonia 1990. An Excursion Guidebook, pp. 46-51. Estonian Academy of Sciences.
Nestor, H. E. 1981. Stromatoporaty. Report on stratigraphical scheme of the Upper Silurian Deposits in Vaygach and Southern Novaya Zemlya Region, pp. 97-106. VNII Okeangeologia.
References based on distribution