
Eoplectodonta (Eoplectodonta) penkillensis (Reed, 1917)

Synonymy list
1871     Leptaena transversalis (Wahlenberg) — Davidson , pp. 318, fig. pl. 48: 2, 8-9; non figs 1-2, 4-7
1871     Leptaena quinquecostata (M' Coy) — Davidson , pp. 322, pars, fig. pl. 48: 26, non figs 23-25, 27
1917     Plectambonites transversalis (Wahlenberg) var. penkillensis — Reed , pp. 888, fig. pl. 16: 3-7
1928     Sowerbyella penkillensis (Reed) — Jones , pp. 444, fig. 23:13-16
1929     Plectodonta millinensis (Jones) — Kozlowski , pp. 113
1970     Eoplectodonta penkillensis (Reed, 1917) — Cocks , pp. 172, fig. pl. 9: 1-15; pl. 10: 1-12; pl. 11: 1-16
1982     Eoplectodonta penkillensis (Reed, 1917) — Cocks & Baarli , fig. pl. 1: 1-9
1989     Eoplectodonta (Eoplectodonta) penkillensis (Reed, 1917) — Cocks & Rong , pp. 135
2004     Eoplectodonta (Eoplectodonta) penkillensis (Reed, 1917) — Musteikis & Cocks , fig. figs 7, 8G
2007     Eoplectodonta (Eoplectodonta) penkillensis (Reed, 1917) — Gallagher & Harper , pp. 71, fig. pl. 9: 2-5
Selection of related publications
Rubel, M. 2011. Silurian brachiopods Dictyonellida, Strophomenida, Productida, Orthotetida, Protorthida and Orthida from Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 4, pp. 1-133. Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia instituut.
References based on distribution
  • Rubel, 2011   [Duplicate record of 256] Kingissepa SG2 borehole   134 - 289   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Ruhnu 500 borehole   564 - 590.9   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Ohesaare borehole   355.1 - 369.2   Adavere Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Kaugatuma 509 borehole   254.5 - 263.5   Adavere Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Häädemeeste 172 borehole   197.1 - 231.7   Adavere Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Orissaare 859 borehole   77.2 - 82.6   Jaani Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Kalvarija borehole   810.9 - 847.3   Jaani Stage