
Heliocrinites ovalis (Angelin, 1878)

Synonymy list
1878     Caryocystis ovalis Ang. — Angelin , pp. 29, fig. 27:11
1878     Caryocystis tenuistriata Ang. — Angelin , pp. 29, fig. 12:25-26
1888     Caryocystis ovalis A. — Lindström , pp. 16
1888     Caryocystis tenuistriata A. — Lindström , pp. 16
1896     Heliocystis ovalis Angelin — Haeckel , pp. 59
1896     Heliocystis tenuistriata Angelin — Haeckel , pp. 59, fig. 2:25-26
1917     Caryocystis ovalis Ang. — Reed , pp. 17
1917     Caryocystis tenuistriata Ang. — Reed , pp. 17
1945     Heliocrinites ovalis (Angelin, 1878) — Regnéll , pp. 126
Selection of related publications
Regnéll, G. 1945. Non-Crinoid Pelmatozoa from the Paleozoic of Sweden. A taxonomic study. Meddelanden från Lunds Geologisk-Mineralogiska Institution 108, 1-255. Carl Bloms Boktryckeri.
References based on distribution