
Hithidae Schallreuter, 1964

Selection of related publications
Tinn, O., Meidla, T. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships of Early-Middle Ordovician ostracods of Baltoscandia. Palaeontology 47, 2, 199-221. DOI:10.1111/j.0031-0239.2004.00369.x
Meidla, T. 1996. Late Ordovician Ostracodes of Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 2. pp. 1-222. Tartu University Press.
Sidaravičiene, N. 1992. Ordovician ostracods of Lithuania. pp. 1-252. LitNIIGRI.
Schallreuter, R. 1981. Ordovician ostracodes from Baltoscandia. GFF 103, 1, 61-71. DOI:10.1080/11035898109455206
Schallreuter, R. 1967. Neue Ostracoden aus ordovizischen Geschiben. Geologie 16, 5, 615-631.
Sarv, L. I. 1963. New ostracodes from the Ordovician of East Baltic. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi uurimused XIII, 161-188.
Sarv, L. I. 1962. Ostracods from the Porkuni stage and Llandovery of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi uurimused IX, 95-141.
Sarv, L. 1959. Ordovician ostracodes in the Estonian S.S.R.. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi uurimused IV, 1-210.
List of species
1. Bolbihithis abdominalis Shallreuter, 1981 | Keila StageOandu Stage
2. Bolbihithis altonodus (Sarv, 1959) | Idavere SubstageJõhvi Substage
4. Bolbihithis superus Sidaravičiene, 1992 | Rakvere StagePirgu Stage
5. Brevibolbina dimorpha Sarv, 1959 | Middle OrdovicianUpper Ordovician
8. Distobolbina nabalaensis Sarv, 1959 | Oandu StagePorkuni Stage
9. Distobolbina nonsulcata Sarv, 1962 | Adavere StageJaani Stage
10. Distobolbina tuberculata (Henningsmoen, 1954) | Vormsi StagePorkuni Stage
12. Hithis proximus Melnikova, 1999 | Billingen Stage