
Medianella Neckaja, 1966

Selection of related publications
Meidla, T. 1996. Late Ordovician Ostracodes of Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 2. pp. 1-222. Tartu University Press.
Olempska, E. 1994. Ostracods of the Mojcza Limestone. Palaeontologia Polonica 53, 129-212.
Gailite, L. 1975. New species of ostracoda from Upper Ordovician of Latvia. The Fauna and Stratigraphy of Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Baltic and Byelorussia, pp. 45-58. Mintis.
Pranskevičius, A. 1972. South Baltic Silurian Ostracoda. pp. 1-280. Mintis.
Neckaja, A. I. 1966. Ostrakody ordovika i silura SSSR (semejstva Schmidtellidae, Rectellidae, Longisculidae i nekotorye novye vidy drugih semejstv). Trudy VNIGRI 251, 1-103. Nedra.
Stumbur, K. A. 1956. On the fauna of ostracodes of the Porkuni Stage of Estonia. Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli Toimetised 42, 186-194.
Stumbur, K. 1955. Siluri alumiste lademete ostrakoodidefaunast Eesti NSV-s [Diplomotöö nr. 47]. pp. 1-67.
List of species
1. Medianella aequa (Stumbur, 1956) | Pirgu StagePorkuni Stage
2. Medianella blidenensis (Gailite, 1975) | Rakvere StagePorkuni Stage
3. Medianella intecta (Stumbur, 1956) | Rakvere StagePorkuni Stage
4. Medianella longa (Stumbur, 1956) | Oandu StageJuuru Stage