Brooksella Walcott, 1896
Ciampaglio et al., 2006
Emended diagnosis: Body fossil consisting of asymmetrical cup-shaped structure (in lateral view) with varable number of radially disposed lobes extending from a small central area (in top or bottom view); central area may have round protrusion or depression; siliceous spicules variably present.
Jensen, 1997
Description. - Trace fossil consisting of radially arranged knob-like segments preserved in positive hyporelief ( Fig.26) . The knobs are up to 7 mm long and about 3 mm in diameter, directed horizontally or gently inclined relative to bedding ( Fig. 26) . Width of the entire structure increases upwards ( Fig. 26B ) , reaching a diameter of about l . S cm. Preservation of trace is toa poor to reveal if there is an ordered vertical arrangement of the knobs. A few knobs have fine radiating markings on their tops.
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Porifera |
Class | Hexactinellida |
Order | Reticulosa |
Family | Protospongiidae |
Genus | Brooksella |
Species | alternata |
Genus | Protospongia |
- Jensen, 1997 Lower Cambrian (old nomenclature)