
Ceramoporina Bassler, 1913

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Pushkin, V. I. 2003. Systematic position of genus Revalotrypa Bassler, 1952 (Bryozoa, Trepostomida, Revalotrypidae). Bryozoans of Earth, pp. 42-47.
Pushkin, V. 2002. Middle Ordovician bryozoa from the Podlasie-Brest Depression (Belarussian part): suborders Ceramoporina, Esthonioporina, Amplexoporina, Halloporina. Geological Quarterly 46, 4, 411-434.
Gorjunova, R. V. 1996. Phylogeny of the Paleozoic bryozoans. Transactions of the Paleontological Institute (PIN) 267, 1-163. Nauka.
Pushkin, V. I., Gataulina, G. M. 1992. A Revision of the Early Palaeozoic Bryozoan of the order Cystoporida from E. Eichwald's collection. Voprosy paleontologii X, 88-97.
Gorjunova, R. V. 1992. Morphology and system of Paleozoic bryozoans. Transactions of the Paleontological Institute (PIN) 251, 1-152. Nauka.
Pushkin, V. I. 1990. Mšanki semejstva Ceramoporidae iz Ordovika Vostočno-Evropejskoj platformy. New representatives of fossil fauna and flora of Belarus and other regions of the USSR, pp. 5-34. Nauka i Tehnika.
Gorjunova, R. V. 1988. Systematics of genus Revalotrypa (Bryozoa). Paleontologicheski Zhurnal 1988, 2, 31-36.
Taylor, P. D., Curry, G. B. 1985. The earliest known Fenestrate Bryozoan, with a short review of Lower Ordovician Bryozoa. Palaeontology 28, 1, 147-158.
Brood, K. 1985. Bryozoans from the Rönnklint section, Gotland. GFF 107, 1, 71-75. DOI:10.1080/11035898509452616
Spjeldnaes, N. 1984. Upper Ordovician Bryozoans from Ojl Myr, Gotland, Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala 10, 1-66.
Brood, K. 1980. Upper Ordovician bryozoa from Dalmantina beds of Kinnekulle, Sweden. GFF 102, 1, 27-35. DOI:10.1080/11035898009448587
Brood, K. 1979. Bryozoans. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning 73, 3, 172-180.
Pushkin, V. I. 1976. Novye vidy ordovikskih i silurijskih mšanok Brestskoj vpadiny. Novye vidy iskopaemyh životnyh i rastenij Belorussii, pp. 3-40. Nauka i tehnika.
Brood, K. 1974. Bryozoa from the Ludlovian of Bjärsjölagard in Skane. GFF 96, 4, 381-388. DOI:10.1080/11035897409454291
Rõõmusoks, A. 1970. Stratigraphy of the Viruan Series (Middle Ordovician) in Northern Estonia, I. pp. 1-346. Valgus.
Astrova, G. G., Kopajevich, V. G. 1970. Bryozoa. The Silurian of Estonia, pp. 130-140. Valgus.
Kiepura, M. 1962. Bryozoa from the Ordovician erratic boulders of Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica VII, 3-4, 347-428.
Männil, Ralf 1961. On the morphology of the hemisphaeric zoaria of Trepostomata (Bryozoa). ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused VI, 113-140.
Männil, R. M. 1959. Questions of stratigraphy and bryozoans of the Ordovician of Estonia. pp. 1-852. Institut Geologii Akademii Nauk Estonskoi SSR.
Modzalevskaya, E. A. 1953. Trepostomaty ordovika Pribaltiki i ih stratigraficheskoe znachenie. Trudy Vsesoûznogo Naučno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-Razvedočnogo Instituta (VNIGRI) 91-167. Gostoptehizdat.
Bassler, R. S. 1911. The Early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces. Bulletin of the US National Museum 77, 1-382.
Dybowski, W. 1877. Die Chaetetiden der ostbaltischen Silur-formation. pp. 1-134.
Eichwald, E. 1861. Paleontologiâ Rossii. Drevnij period. II. Fauna grauvakkovoj, gornoizvestkovoj i medistoslancevatoj formacij Rossii. pp. 1-521. R. Golike (former Ya. Ionsona).
Eichwald, E. 1854. Die Grauwackenschichten von Liv- und Estland. Bulletin de la Société Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 27, 1, 1-111.
List of species
1. Acanthoceramoporella brestica Pushkin, 2002 | Uhaku StageIdavere Substage
2. Anolotichiina crassimuralis (Bassler, 1911) | Jõhvi SubstageOandu Stage
3. Anolotichiina laciniatus (Eichwald, 1854) | Kukruse StageJõhvi Substage
4. Anolotichiina tabulatiformis (Pushkin, 1976) | Idavere SubstageOandu Stage
7. Ceramopora armata Hennig, 1908 | LlandoveryWenlock
10. Ceramopora explicata Pushkin, 1976 | Aseri StageIdavere Substage
13. Ceramopora intercellata Bassler, 1911 | Lasnamägi StageVormsi Stage
15. Ceramopora kukrusensis Männil et Pushkin, 1990 | Uhaku StageKukruse Stage
16. Ceramopora lindstroemi Hennig, 1908 | Upper Ordovicianlower Silurian
Organism groupBiota