
Parachasmatopora reticulata (Hall, 1847)

Synonymy list
1847     Intricaria reticulata — Hall , pp. 77, fig. 26.8a-c
1889     Subretepora reticulata — Miller , pp. 326, fig. 524
1890     Phylloporina reticulata — Ulrich , pp. 332, 639, fig. 53:2,2a
1893     Phylloporina reticulata — Ulrich , pp. 210, fig. 4:8-15
1911     Chasmatopora reticulata (Hall) — Bassler , pp. 170, fig. text fig. 86
1970     Phylloporina reticulata (Hall) — Rõõmusoks , pp. 328, fig. table 17
1981     Parachasmatopora reticulata (Hall, 1847) — Morozova & Lavrentjeva , pp. 59
2009     Phylloporina reticulata — Pachut & Fisherkeller , pp. 404
Selection of related publications
Morozova, I. P., Lavrentjeva, V. D. 1981. Origin of suborder Fenestellina (Bryozoa). Paleontologicheski Zhurnal 2, 56-63.
Rõõmusoks, A. 1970. Stratigraphy of the Viruan Series (Middle Ordovician) in Northern Estonia, I. pp. 1-346. Valgus.
Männil, R. M. 1959. Questions of stratigraphy and bryozoans of the Ordovician of Estonia. pp. 1-852. Institut Geologii Akademii Nauk Estonskoi SSR.
Bassler, R. S. 1911. The Early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces. Bulletin of the US National Museum 77, 1-382.
References based on distribution