
Rothpletzella gotlandica (Rothpletz, 1908)

Synonymy list
1908     Sphaerocodium gotlandicum n. sp. — Rothpletz , pp. 7, fig. 1:5-6; 2:1-4
1908     Sphaerocodium gotlandicum Rothp. — Rothpletz , pp. 19
1976     Rothpletzella gotlandica (Rothpletz) Wood, 1948 — Voronova & Radionova , pp. 82
1985     Rothpletzella gotlandica Wood, 1948 — Istchenko , pp. 48, fig. VIII 1,2,5
1991     Rothpletzella gotlandica Wood — Kõrts , pp. 44, fig. 1
1991     Sphaerocodium gotlandicum Rothpletz, 1908 — Shuyskiy & Patrunkov , pp. 23, fig. 1:6; 2:1,2
Selection of related publications
Kõrts, A. 1991. Distribution of calcareous algae, oncolites and stromatolites in Wenlock-Ludlow boundary beds in Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 40, 2, 43-49. DOI:10.3176/geol.1991.2.02
Voronova, L. G., Radionova, E. P. 1976. Paleozoic Algae and Microphytolites. Trudy GIN AN SSSR 294, 1-220. Nauka.
Rothpletz, A. 1908. Ueber Algen und hydrozoen im Silur von Gotland und Oesel. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 43, 5, 1-25.
References based on distribution