
Tryplasma loveni (Milne-Edwards et Haime, 1851)

Synonymy list
1830     Trypelasma fastigata Eichw. — Eichwald , pp. 187
1854     Cyathophyllum? Loveni M.-Edw. & H. — Milne-Edwards et Haime , pp. 280, fig. 66:2
1856     Omphyma fastigatum Eichw. — Eichwald , pp. 107
1861     Cyathophyllum articulatum Wahl. — Eichwald , pp. 138
1861     Omphyma fastigatum Eichw. (part.) — Eichwald , pp. 144, fig. 8:11
1882     Pholidophyllum loveni Edw. & H. — Koch , pp. 216, fig. 1(43):4-22
1936     Tryplasma loveni (Edw. & H.) — Hill , pp. 206, fig. 30:46-47
1969     Tryplasma loveni (M.-Edwards & Haime, 1851) — Ivanovsky , pp. 38, fig. 5:3-5
1973     Tryplasma loveni (M.-Edwards & Haime, 1851) — Fedorowski et Gorianov , pp. 30, fig. 6:6a-d; 7:1a-e
2007     Tryplasma loveni (M.-Edwards & Haime, 1851) — Mõtus et Hints, O. , pp. 55
Selection of related publications
Kazantseva, E. S. 2023. Co-Growth in Rugosa: Types, Morphology, Special Features and Origin. Paleontological Journal 57, 9, 931-1042. DOI:10.1134/S003103012309006X
Mõtus, M.-A., Hints, O. (eds) 2007. 10th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Excursion B2: Lower Paleozoic geology and corals of Estonia. Excursion Guidebook. pp. 1-64. Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology.
Fedorowski, J., Gorianov, V. B. 1973. Redescription of teracorals described by E. Eichwald in "Palaeontology of Russia". Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 18, 1, 3-70.
References based on distribution