
Pristiograptus parvus Ulst, 1974

Synonymy list
1974     Pristiograptus parvus sp. nov. — Ulst , pp. 111-113, fig. 12:3; 11:5
1979     Monograptus dubius (Suess) forme naine — Jaeger & Robardet , fig. 2:4,10
1991     Pristiograptus dubius " parvus" Ulst — Jaeger , pp. 316-318, fig. 25:2-6, 8
1994     Pristiograptus parvus Ulst — Štorch , fig. 8F
1995     Pristiograptus parvus Ulst — Rickards et al. , pp. 42, fig. 22L; 23D-H; 25C( non 22K,M)
1996     Pristiograptus dubius " parvus" Ulst — Gutierrez-Marco et al. , pp. 660, fig. 1:1-3, 7-11
1998     Pristiograptus parvus Ulst — Kozlowska-Dawidziuk et al. , fig. 1G
1999     Pristiograptus dubius " parvus" Ulst — Kozlowska-Dawidziuk , pp. 356, fig. 3a
2000     Pristiograptus parvus Ulst, 1974 — Radzevičius & Paškevičius , pp. 95-96, fig. 2:2a-b; 3a-b; 6:F
2001     Pristiograptus parvus Ulst, 1974 — Kozlowska-Dawidziuk et al. , pp. 159, fig. 8.11-8.13; 9.6-9.8
Selection of related publications
Radzevičius, S., Paškevičius, J. 2000. Pristiograptids (Graptoloidea) and their adaptive types of the Wenlock (Silurian) in Lithuania. Geologija 32, 88-109.
Ulst, R. Ž. 1974. The early sequence of Pristiograpts in conterminous deposits of Wenlock and Ludlow of the Middle Pribaltic. Graptolites of the USSR, pp. 105-122. Nauka.