
Beloitoceras sinuososeptatum (Roemer, 1861)

Synonymy list
1861     Orthoceras sinuoso-septatum — Roemer , fig. 6:3a-c
1934     Beloitoceras heterocurvatum — Strand , pp. 76, fig. 10:8,9
1984     Richardsonoseras sinuososeptatum — Dzik , pp. 188, fig. 8:1a-d; text fig. 16a-b
1987     Beloitoceras heterocurvatum — Frye , pp. 84, fig. 3a-d
2013     Beloitoceras sinuososeptatum (Roemer, 1861) — Kröger , pp. 20, fig. 9A-B; 11
Selection of related publications
Kröger, B. 2013. The cephalopods of the Boda Limestone, Late Ordovician, of Dalarna, Sweden. European Journal of Taxonomy 41, 41, 1-110. DOI:10.5852/ejt.2013.41
References based on distribution