
Parapetalolithus tenuis (Barrande, 1850)

Synonymy list
1850     Graptolithus palmeus var. tenuis — Barrande , pp. 61, fig. 3:2
1908     Petalolithus palmeus var. tenuis — Elles and Wood , pp. 276, fig. 32:3a, c, d
1941     Petalolithus tenuis — Bouček et Pˇribyl , pp. 9, fig. 2:3
1948     Petalolithus tenuis — Přibyl , pp. 15
1952     Diplograptus (Petalolithus) tenuis — Münch , pp. 62, fig. 6:8a-b
1967     Petalolithus tenuis — Gailite et al. , pp. 264-265
1967     Petalograptus tenuis — Koren , pp. 191, fig. 1:5-7
1979     Petalograptus tenuis (Barrande, 1850) — Paškevičius , pp. 133-134, fig. 5:3-7; 21:8-10
1988     Petalograptus tenuis (Barrande, 1850) — Obut et al. , pp. 36
2009     Parapetalolithus tenuis (Barrande, 1850) — Štorch & Kraft , fig. fig. 10C
Selection of related publications
Ulst, R. Ž., Gailite, L. K., Springis, T. K. 1984. Lithostratigraphic subdivision of the subsurface Ordovician rocks of the Jelgeva Depression. Stratigrafiâ drevnepaleozojskih otloženij Pribaltiki, pp. 63-76. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia.
Paškevičius, J. 1979. Biostratigraphy and Graptolites of the Lithuanian Silurian. pp. 1-267. Mokslas.
Gailite, L. K., Rybnikova, M. V., Ulst, R. Ž. 1967. Stratigrafiâ, fauna i usloviâ obrazovaniâ silurijskih porod Srednej Pribaltiki. pp. 1-304. Zinatne.
References based on distribution