
Petalolithus minor (Elles, 1897)

Synonymy list
1897     Diplograptus palmeus — Törnquist , fig. 1:28-30
1897     Petalograptus minor — Elles , pp. 201, fig. 14:17-21
1908     Petalograptus minor — Elles & Wood , pp. 279, fig. 32:5a-e
1920     Diplograptus (Petalograptus) minor — Gortani , pp. 23, fig. 1:37
1933     Petalograptus minor — Sun , pp. 33, fig. 5:5a-b
1941     Petalograptus minor — Bouček & Přibyl , pp. 5, fig. 1:3
1949     Diplograptus (Petalograptus) minor — Obut , pp. 15, fig. 1:9a-b
1952     Petalograptus minor — Münch , pp. 66, fig. 8:4a-d
1965     Petalograptus minor Elles, 1897 — Obut et al. , pp. 35-36, fig. 2:5
1970     Petalograptus minor Elles — Churkin & Carter , pp. 32, fig. 3:5
Selection of related publications
Maletz, J., Ahlberg, P., Suyarkova, A., Loydell, D. K. 2014. Silurian graptolite biostratigraphy of the Röstånga-1 drill core, Scania – a standard for southern Scandinavia. GFF 136, 1, 175-178. DOI:10.1080/11035897.2013.865665
Kaljo, D. (ed) 1970. The Silurian of Estonia. pp. 1-343. Valgus.
Kaljo, D., Vingisaar, P. 1969. On the sequence of the Raikküla stage in southernmost Estonia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia, Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия. Геология 18, 3, 270-277. DOI:10.3176/chem.geol.1969.3.10
References based on distribution