
Monograptus gemmatus (Barrande, 1850)

Synonymy list
1850     Rastrites gemmatus — Barrande , pp. 68, fig. 4:5
1868     Rastrites capillaris — Carruthers , pp. 126, fig. 5:16
1872     Graptolithus attenuatus — Hopkinson , pp. 503, fig. 12:3
1876     Rastrites capillaris — Lapworth , pp. 314, fig. 10:4a-b
1876     Monograptus attenuatus — Lapworth , pp. 314, fig. 10:4a-b
1897     Monograptus gemmatus — Perner , pp. 10, fig. 11:30-32
1913     Monograptus gemmatus (Barrande) — Elles & Wood , pp. 436, fig. 43:5a-e
1920     Monograptus gemmatus (Barrande) — Gortani , pp. 101, fig. 16:1-3; 19:6A; 17:17-19
1967     Globosograptus gemmatus (Barrande, 1850) — Gailite et al. , pp. 268-269
1993     "Monograptus" gemmatus (Barrande, 1850) — Loydell , pp. 126-128, fig. 15:13,16; text fig. 22:7,9,11,12,16,17,20,21,28,29
Selection of related publications
Ulst, R. Ž., Gailite, L. K., Springis, T. K. 1984. Lithostratigraphic subdivision of the subsurface Ordovician rocks of the Jelgeva Depression. Stratigrafiâ drevnepaleozojskih otloženij Pribaltiki, pp. 63-76. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia.
Kaljo, D., Vingisaar, P. 1969. On the sequence of the Raikküla stage in southernmost Estonia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia, Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия. Геология 18, 3, 270-277. DOI:10.3176/chem.geol.1969.3.10
Gailite, L. K., Rybnikova, M. V., Ulst, R. Ž. 1967. Stratigrafiâ, fauna i usloviâ obrazovaniâ silurijskih porod Srednej Pribaltiki. pp. 1-304. Zinatne.