
Rastrites longispinus Perner, 1897

Synonymy list
1897     Rastrites peregrinus var. longispinus — Perner , pp. 15, fig. 17:32, 35
1907     Rastrites longispinus — Törnquist , pp. 10
1914     Monograptus (Rastrites) longispinus — Elles et Wood , pp. 489, fig. 50:2a-g
1941     Rastrites longispinus — Přibyl , pp. 6, fig. 1:1-3; 2:3
1949     Rastrites longispinus — Obut , pp. 27, fig. 5:7
1962     Rastrites longispinus — Haletskaya , pp. 89, fig. 5:15a, v
1965     Rastrites longispinus (Perner), 1897 — Obut et al. , pp. 90-91, fig. 17:8-9
1965     Rastrites longispinus — Obut & Sobolevskaya , pp. 90, fig. XVII 8,9
1968     Rastrites longispinus — Obut & Sobolevskaya , pp. 114, fig. 33:1-2
1972     Rastrites longispinus — Koren , pp. 97, fig. 8:6
Selection of related publications
Paškevičius, J. 1979. Biostratigraphy and Graptolites of the Lithuanian Silurian. pp. 1-267. Mokslas.
References based on distribution