
Streptograptus retroflexus (Tullberg, 1883)

Synonymy list
1883     Monograptus retroflexus — Tullberg , pp. 25, fig. 1:18-25
1913     Monograptus retroflexus Tullberg — Elles et Wood , pp. 459-460, fig. 46:5a-c
1943     Monograptus (Streptograptus) retroflexus (Tullberg) — Bouček et Pˇribyl , pp. 15, fig. 3:5
1975     Monograptus retroflexus Tullberg — Berry et Murphy , pp. 57, fig. 4:8; 6:3; 10:3b
Selection of related publications
Paškevičius, J. 1979. Biostratigraphy and Graptolites of the Lithuanian Silurian. pp. 1-267. Mokslas.