Neocucullograptus inexspectatus (Bouček, 1932)
1932 Monograptus inexspectatus — Bouček , lk. 151-153, joon. 1 E-F
1936 Monograptus scanicus Tullberg — Bouček , lk. 21-22
1970 Neocucullograptus inexspectatus inexspectatus (Bouček, 1932) — Urbanek , lk. 329, joon. XXXI-XXXIV, fig. 17
1976 Neocucullograptus inexspectatus inexspectatus (Bouček, 1932) — Tsegelnjuk , lk. 132, joon. 42:1-2
2011 Neocucullograptus inexspectatus — Loydell , lk. 6
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Loydell, D. K. 2012. Graptolite biozone correlation charts. Geological Magazine 149, 1, 124–132. DOI:10.1017/S0016756811000513
Tsegelnjuk, P. D. 1976. Late Silurian and Early Devonian monograptids from the south-western margin of the East-European platform. Upper Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic paleontology and stratigraphy of the south-western part of the East European Platform, pp. 91-133. Naukova Dumka.
Urbanek, A. 1970. Neocucullograptinae n. subfam. (Graptolithina)- their evolutionary and stratigraphic bearing. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 15, 2-3, 164-388.
organismirühm | Biota |
riik | Animalia |
hõimkond | Hemichordata |
klass | Pterobranchia |
alamklass | Graptolithina |
selts | Graptoloidea |
alamselts | Axonophora |
sugukond | Monograptidae |
perekond | Neocucullograptus |
liik | inexspectatus |
kozlowskii |
Levik kirjandusandmetel
- Loydell, 2012 Ludfordi lade
- Urbanek, 1970 Mielnik IG 1 puurauk, Poola 887 - 890
- Tsegelnjuk, 1976a Brest 1 puurauk 501 - 536.9 Ludlow