
Diplichnites gouldi (Gevers, 1971)

Taksoni kirjeldused

Bradshaw, 1981

Description: Trackways of variable width between 20 and 220 mm consisting of 2 parallel rows of imprints, usually with undisturbed sediment inbetween (Fig. 29). The number of imprints across the width of the row is variable, never more than 5 and sometimes only 1. The imprints have simple, pit-like form and may merge to form composite prints (Fig. 30). Finer details are not preserved due to coarseness of sediment. The outermost imprints are invariably the deepest and those closest to the midline are the faintest. In 1 well-preserved trail (Fig. 31) 4 imprints are present across the row and appear to be arranged in closely spaced oblique lines. Although not included in Gevers et al. (1971) description of D. gouldi, median "tail" drag marks were observed in certain trails between 40 and 90 mm wide. The drag marks are usually present either as short median grooves, occasionally bearing deeper prod marks, or as isolated median pits. The individual walking imprints are indistinct in all trails with median marks, but are marked by small diagonal heaps of sediment pushed backwards as the animal moved forward (Fig. 32).

1971     Arthropodichnus gould — Gevers , lk. 86, joon. Fig. 3,4
1973     Beaconichnus gouldi — Gevers , lk. 1002
1975     Beaconichnus giganteum Gevers — Häntzschel , lk. 44, joon. Fig. 27(1d)
1981     Diplichnites gouldi (Gevers, 1971) — Bradshaw , lk. 638, joon. Fig. 6, 29-33
2003     Diplichnites gouldi Gevers, 1971 — Smith et al. , lk. 65, joon. 4
2006     Diplichnites gouldi — Davies et al. , lk. 49, joon. 3I
2009     Diplichnites gouldi (Bradshaw, 1981) — Minter & Lucas , lk. 294, joon. 3D-F
2012     Diplichnites gouldi Gevers et al., 1971 — Fillmore et al. , lk. 26, joon. 21A-c, 49A-B,D
2015     Diplichnites gouldi Gevers, in Gevers et al., 1971 — Lima et al. , lk. 140, joon. 4C-D
2018     Diplichnites gouldi (Gevers in Gevers et al., 1971) — Hammersburg et al. , lk. 19, joon. Fig. 11.1–11.3
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Davies, N. S., Sansom, I. J., Turner, P. 2006. Trace fossils and paleoenvironments of a Late Silurian marginal-marine/alluvial system: the Ringerike Group (Lower Old Red Sandstone), Oslo Region, Norway. Palaios 21, 1, 46-62. DOI:10.2110/palo.2003.p03-08