Chaetosalpinx Sokolov, 1948
Taksoni kirjeldused
Tapanila, 2006b
Diagnosis (after Stel, 1976): Vertical tubular embedment cavity, circular to oval in cross-section, with margins of tube defined by host skeletal material. Linings and tabulae are absent.
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Vinn, O., Wilson, M., Holmer, L. E., Ernst, A., Tinn, O., Toom, U. 2022. Diverse endobiotic symbiont fauna from the late Katian (Late Ordovician) of Estonia. Palaeontologia Electronica 25, 3, 1-13. DOI:10.26879/1232
Vinn, O., Wilson, M. A., Mõtus, M.-A. 2014. Symbiotic worm endobionts in a stromatoporoid from the Rhuddanian (Early Silurian) of Hiiumaa, Estonia. Palaios 28, 12, 863-866. DOI:10.2110/palo.2013.078
Vinn, O., Mõtus, M. 2014. Symbiotic worms in biostromal stromatoporoids from the Ludfordian (Late Silurian) of Saaremaa, Estonia. GFF 136, 3, 503-506. Informa UK Limited. DOI:10.1080/11035897.2014.896412
Mõtus, M.-A., Vinn, O. 2009. The worm endosymbionts in tabulate corals from the Silurian of Podolia, Ukraine. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 58, 3, 185-192. DOI:10.3176/earth.2009.3.03
Mõtus, M.-A., Grytsenko, V. 2007. Morphological variation of the tabulate coral Paleofavosites cf. collatatus Klaamann, 1961 from the Silurian of the Bagovichka River localities, Podolia (Ukraine). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 3, 143-156.
Stel, J. H. 1976. The Palaeozoic hard substrate trace fossils Helicosalpinx, Chaetosalpinx and Torquaysalpinx. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Monatshefte: Abt. B. Geologie, Paläontologie 12, 726-744.
Klaamann, E. R. 1959. On the tabulate fauna of the Juuru and Tamsalu stages. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Tehniliste ja Füüsikalis-matemaatiliste teaduste seeria / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Серия технических и физико-математических наук VIII, 4, 256-270. DOI:10.3176/tech.phys.math.1959.4.04
Leitud liigid
2. Chaetosalpinx groningae Stel, 1976 | Silur
See also