
Bergaueria prantli Książkiewicz, 1977

Taksoni kirjeldused

Książkiewicz, 1977

Diagnosis.-Hypichnial hemispheric almound-like cast, with a depression in  the apical part of the mound.

Description.-The holotype has a completely circular outline. Its diameter is 13 mm long, its height 3mm. The mound slopes slightly in one direction. There are two interconnected shallow pits in the top of the mound.

1977     Bergaueria prantli — Książkiwicz , lk. 53, joon. 1:3-5
1988     Bergaueria perata — Pemberton et al. , lk. 878
1996     Bergaueria prantli Ksiazkiewicz, 1977 — Paczesna , lk. 56, joon. Plate 1:8,9
2004     Bergaueria prantli Ksiazkiewicz, 1977 — Knaust , lk. 9, joon. 5.3
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Knaust, D. 2004. Cambro-Ordovician trace fossils from the SW-Norwegian Caledonides. Geological Journal 39, 1, 1-24. DOI:10.1002/gj.941