
Maeandropolydora Voigt, 1965

Taksoni kirjeldused

Voigt, 1965

Diagnose: In Schalen minierende oder Furchen erzeugende Bohrg~inge etwa vom Durchmesser der Polydora-R6hren, die vielfach gewunden und z. T. m~iandrierend verlaufen, jedoch keine echten Taschenbauten bilden. 

[Diagnosis: Drilling holes that mined or created furrows in shells, approximately the same diameter as the Polydora tubes, which are often twisted and e.g. Sometimes they meander, but do not form any real pocket structures.]

Wisshak et al., 2019a

Macroboring; substrate calcareous; tracemaker invertebrate

Buatois et al., 2017

Category of architectural design: 2.61. Winding borings.

Knaust, 2012a

Unbranched, winding.

Blissett & Pickerill, 2007

Diagnosis– (After Bromley & D’Ales sandro, 1983, p. 293.) “Long, cylindrical galleries having two or more apertures, running through the substrate sinuously or in irregular contortions. Galleries may run parallel in contact with each other in pairs, with or without fusion. Loose or tight loops may occur; the limbs of these may be connected by a vane or form a pouch.

Charó et al., 2017

Diagnosis: Long and wide cylindrical galleries excavated parallel to the surface of the valve with dichotomic bifurcation (Santos et al., 2003)

Taylor & Wilson, 2003

Remark: Long, sinuous to contorted galleries with two or more apertures.