
Rusophycus ramelensis Legg, 1985

Taksoni kirjeldused

Legg, 1985

Description. Shallow to deep well defined bilobed traces 2.7 to 8.4 cm wide preserved on thesoles of sandstone beds The anterior part of the traceis of two deep lobes meeting medially to give a moustache shape. Each lobe has shallow scratches run ning parallel to the margin in bundles of up to 5. Commonly this is the only part of the trace which is preserved.  Where found the posterior portion of the trace consists of a shallow bilobed excavation with fine parallel curved scratches in groups of 4 or 5 meeting medially at a V angle of about 100.

1985     Rusophycus ramelensis n. isp. — Legg , lk. 159, joon. 3A,B,C