
Taenidium serpentinum Heer, 1887

Taksoni kirjeldused

Uchman, 2007a

Note. Menisci of T. serpentinum Heer (1877) are much more widely spaced.

Chen, Z.-Q. et al., 2012

Taenidium is indicated by unlined, straight or slightly curved to sinuous burrows that contain segmented filling (Figs. 6D, H–K, 8 F, 11B). Burrows also have well-spaced arcuate menisci but lack walls. The annular ornamentation is rather pronounced and the burrow may be slightly flanged at one end. These traces have a width of 3–4mm and length up to 24 mm with partitioned packeting. All features observed here agree with the type ichnospecies T.serpentinum Heer.

1877     Taenidium serpentinum — Heer , lk. 117, joon. 45:9; 10B
1971     Taenidium serpentinum Heer, 1887 — Chamberlain , lk. 241, joon. 32:10
1987     Taenidium serpentinum Heer, 1887 — DAlessandro & Bromley , lk. 752, joon. text fig. 7
1990     Taenidium serpentinum Heer, 1877 — Dam , lk. 142, joon. 11A
1994     Taenidium serpentinum Heer, 1887 — Keighley & Pickerill , lk. 324
2012     Taenidium Heer — Chen et al. , joon. 11B
2018     Taenidium serpentinum Heer, 1887 — Fürsich et al. , lk. 23, joon. 9C-E