
Chondrites targionii (Brongniart, 1828)

Taksoni kirjeldused

Fan, R. et al., 2021

Dendritic burrow system with slightly curved branches and wellexpressed primary successive branching. Three to four orders of branching are observed and the branching angle is 25◦ − 46◦. The tunnels are about 3 mm wide.

Baucon et al., 2020c

Chondrites targionii (Brongniart, 1828)  is characterized by well-expressed primary successive branching and few secondary branches. Branching angle acute. Curved branches are common (Uchman, 1998, 1999; Rodríguez-Tovar and Uchman, 2004; Fan and Gong, 2016).

Razzolini et al., 2016

Description. Slightly winding or arcuate, branched flattened tunnels. Second-order branches are dominant. Third-order branches are very rare. Most of the tunnels are 3-5mm wide. They are filled with dark argillaceous background sediments. Branches are very long, some attaining at least 17 cm, and the whole burrow system may be up to 30 cm across. Weathered cross-sections of the upper part of the burrow system show clusters of small knobs or holes on horizontal bedding or parting surfaces.

1828     Fucoides targionii — Brongniart , lk. 56, joon. 4:2, 6
1833     Sphaerococcites affinis — Sternberg , lk. 28, joon. 7:1
1833     Caulerpites pyramidalis — Sternberg , lk. 21, joon. 8:2
1851     Chondrites furcatus — Schafhäutl , joon. 5:6; 6:7; 7:7a, 8
1893     Chondrites affinis Heer — Fuchs , lk. 1
1896     Phycopsis affinis Sternb. — Rothplets , lk. 885, joon. 22:1-2
1897     Fucoiden large form — Suess , lk. 4, joon. 2
1978     Chondrites furcatus — Kern , joon. 5
1991     Chondrites targionii (Brongniart) — Fu , lk. 23, joon. 3a-b
1998     Chondrites targionii Brongniart, 1828) — Uchman , lk. 123, joon. 21