
Protovirgularia dichotoma McCoy, 1850

Taksoni kirjeldused

Hammersburg et al., 2018

Diagnosis.—Straight, bilobate trails with medial furrow and paired, convex, chevronlike, wedge-shaped projections oblique from furrow.


1850     Protovirgularia dichotoma — McCoy , lk. 272
1851     Protovirgularia dichotoma McCoy — McCoy , lk. 10, joon. Pl. 1. B. figs. 11 and 12
1853     Cladograpsus nereitarum — Richter , lk. 450, joon. 12:1,2
1855     ?Protovirgularia dichotoma M'Coy — Harkness , lk. 475
1855     Protovirgularia dichotoma McCoy — Murchison & Morris , lk. 413
1870     Protovirgularia Harknessi — Lapworth , lk. 53-54
1871     Tripiograpsus Nereitarum (Richter) — Richter , lk. 251-252, joon. 5:10-13
1879     Provirgularia(l) Nereitarum (Tripiograpsus Nereitam/mRicht.) — Gümbel , lk. 469, joon. 11, 12
1931     Protovirgularia nereitarum (Richter) — Hundt , lk. 35, 48
1958     Protovirgularia dichotoma M'Coy — Häntschel , lk. 84, joon. 5
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Uchman, A., Hanken, N.-M., Binns, R. 2005. Ordovician Bathyal Trace Fossils From Metasiliciclastics in Central Norway and Their Sedimentological and Paleogeographical Implications. Ichnos 12, 2, 105-133. DOI:10.1080/10420940590914534
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