
Rusophycus eutendorfensis (Linck, 1942)

Taksoni kirjeldused

Jensen, 1997

Description. - Small bilobate burrows, buclde- or heartshaped, with steep lateral borders ( Fig. 32B ) . Lobes mostly smooth and separated by a dis tinet median furrow. Fine transverse or gently inclined striation with ridges fraetions of a millimetre (in one speeimen measured as O . lmm) apart are oeeasionally seen. Dimensions o f a prominent speeimen: length 4 mm, width 2.4 mm, depth 1 .8 mm, but most speeimens are smaller. May be arranged in loose, straight to somewhat winding ehains of burrows, and pass in to Cruziana tenelIa.

1942     Isopodichnus eutendorfensis — Linck , lk. 240, joon. 8
1979     Rusophycus eutendorfensis — Bromley & Asgaard , lk. 64-66, joon. 17B
1996     Rusophycus eutendorfensis (Linck, 1942) — Keighley & Pickerill , lk. 279, joon. 1G
1997     Rusophycus eutendorfensis (Linck, 1942) — Jessen , lk. 87, joon. 3 1 , 32B, 67C
2001     Rusophycus eutendorfensis (Linck, 1942) — Schlirf et al. , lk. 78