
Conchocelichnus Radke, Campbell et Golubic, 2016

Taksoni kirjeldused

Wisshak et al., 2019a

Microboring; substrate calcareous; tracemaker plant

Radtke et al., 2016

Diagnosis: Complex microboring system composed of several variable but interconnected components, including straight exploratory tunnels uniform as well as variable in diameter, branch clusters, spherical and spindleshaped bulbous swellings and bushes or tunnels with more uniform and larger diameter of exploratory ones. The diagnosis requires documentation of a combination of the properties listed above.

Remarks: Recognition of this complex trace and its distinction from others requires combined evaluation of several of its properties, preferably when interconnected. The trace may be produced by more than one species of ancient or modern Bangialean rhodophytes.

Paleoenvironment: Low light intensity habitats within the euphotic and dysphotic zones in the ocean.