Rodocanalis Schloz, 1972
Taksoni kirjeldused
Wisshak et al., 2019a
Attachment; substrate calcareous; tracemaker unknown
Wisshak et al., 2023
Revised diagnosis. Bioclaustration structure composed of grooves, approximately as wide as deep, on the surface of molluscan shells, oriented or ramifying towards the shell’s growth margin
organismirühm | Biota |
Incertae sedis (fossils) | |
ihnorühm | Bioclaustration structures |
perekond | Anoigmaichnus |
Burrinjuckia | |
Catellocaulata | |
Caupokeras | |
Chaetosalpinx | |
Eodiorygma | |
Haplorygma | |
Helicosalpinx | |
Kuckerichnus | |
Rodocanalis | |
liik | geometricus |
linearis | |
reticulatus | |
runicus | |
perekond | Runia |