Furcitellinae Williams, 1965
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Hoel, O. A. 2011. Strophomenidae, Leptostrophiidae, Strophodontidae and Shaleriidae (Brachiopoda, Strophomenida) from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 85, 2, 201-229. DOI:10.1007/s12542-010-0088-3
Rubel, M. 2011. Silurian brachiopods Dictyonellida, Strophomenida, Productida, Orthotetida, Protorthida and Orthida from Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 4, pp. 1-133. Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia instituut.
Hints, L., Hints, O., Nemliher, R., Nõlvak, J. 2007. Hulterstad brachiopods and associated faunas in the Vormsi Stage (Upper Ordovician, Katian) of the Lelle core, Central Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 3, 131-142.
Cocks, L. R. M. 2005. Strophomenate Brachiopods from the late Ordovician Boda Limestone of Sweden: their systematics and implications for palaeogeography. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 30, 3, 243-282. DOI:10.1017/S1477201905001616
Rõõmusoks, A. 2004. Ordovician strophomenoid brachiopods of northern Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 3, pp. 1-151. Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia Instituut.
Rõõmusoks, A. 1993. Four new brachiopod genera of the subfamily Oepikinae (Strophomenacea) from the Ordovician of Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 42, 2, 48-57. DOI:10.3176/geol.1993.2.02
Rõõmusoks, A. 1993. Some brachiopod genera of the subfamily Strophomeninae from the Ordovician of Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 42, 3, 110-117. DOI:10.3176/geol.1993.3.02
Rõõmusoks, A. 1985. The genera Trigrammaria and Microtrypa (Strophomenidae) in the Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Геология 34, 4, 133-140. DOI:10.3176/geol.1985.4.03
Rõõmusoks, A. 1956. The biostratigraphic subdivision of the Ordovician strata in Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused I, 9-29.
Rõõmusoks, A. K. 1956. Luhaia, a new genus Strophomenid on the Upper Ordovician of Estonian SSR. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 106, 6, 1091-1092.
Oraspõld, A. L. 1956. New brachiopods from the Jõhvi, Keila and Vasalemma stages. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused I, 41-67.
Öpik, A. 1930. Brachiopoda Protremata der estländischen ordovizischen Kukruse-Stufe. Tartu Ülikooli Geoloogia Instituudi Toimetused 20, 1-261.
Bekker, H. 1921. The Kuckers stage of the Ordovician Rocks in NE Estonia. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis II, 1, 1-92.
Leitud liigid
1. Bekkerina anijana (Öpik, 1930) | Haljala lade
2. Bekkerina assatkini (Alichova, 1951) | Haljala lade
3. Bekkerina dorsata (Bekker, 1921) | Kukruse lade
4. Bekkerina grandis (Alichova, 1953) | Keila lade
8. Geniculina ralfi Rõõmusoks, 2004 | Nabala lade
9. Geniculina vironiensis Rõõmusoks, 2004 | Rakvere lade
10. Geniculina voorensis Rõõmusoks, 2004 | Rakvere lade
12. Katastrophomena (Katastrophomena) penkillensis (Reed, 1917) | Jaani lade
14. Luhaia candelabra Cocks, 2005 | Ülem-Ordoviitsium
16. Oslomena osloensis Spjeldnaes, 1957 | Ülem-Ordoviitsium
17. Panderites imbrex (Pander, 1830) | Aseri lade
18. Pentlandina lewisii (Davidson, 1847) | Wenlock
19. Pentlandina loveni (Verneuil, 1848) | Silur
20. Pentlandina tartana Bancroft, 1949 | Llandovery
organismirühm | Biota |
riik | Animalia |
hõimkond | Brachiopoda |
alamhõimkond | Rhynchonelliformea |
klass | Strophomenata |
selts | Strophomenida |
ülemsugukond | Strophomenoidea |
sugukond | Strophomenidae |
alamsugukond | Furcitellinae |
perekond | Bekkerina |
Bellimurina | |
Crassoseptaria | |
Dactylogonia | |
Geniculina | |
Katastrophomena | |
Luhaia | |
Oepikina | |
Oslomena | |
Panderites | |
Pentlandina | |
Sakunites | |
Tallinnites | |
Titanomena | |
Trigrammaria | |
alamsugukond | Strophomeninae |
See also