
Graptodictya minima Bekker, 1921

1921     Graptodictya minima sp. n. — Bekker , lk. 59, joon. VIII 5-8
1952     Graptodictya minima Bekker — Toots , lk. 128, joon. 8:5
1993     Graptodictya minima Bekker, 1921 — Gorjunova & Lavretjeva , lk. 73, joon. XIII 1,2
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Gorjunova, R. V., Lavrentjeva, V. D. 1993. Morphology and system of the cryptostome bryozoans. Transactions of the Paleontological Institute (PIN) 257, 1-151. Nauka.
Männil, R. M. 1959. Questions of stratigraphy and bryozoans of the Ordovician of Estonia. pp. 1-852. Institut Geologii Akademii Nauk Estonskoi SSR.
Toots, H. 1952. Bryozoen des estnischen Kuckersits. Mitt. Geol. Staatinst. Hamburg 21, 113-137.
Bekker, H. 1921. The Kuckers stage of the Ordovician Rocks in NE Estonia. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis II, 1, 1-92.
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